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Tag: Life Insurance
Great way to start your children or grandchildren on the road to financial success
Day # 10 reason your man has to pay more for life insurance.
Day # 9 reason the male species is paying more for life insurance
Day#8 reason life insurance costs more for men
Day #7 reason life insurance will cost more for men vs. women.
Day #6 reason men pay more than women for life insurance
Day #5 reason guys just have to pay more for life insurance vs. women.
Doing things like this may shorten your life expectancy.
Day # 4 example of why us guys pay more than the gals for life insurance.
Day #3 example of why men pay more for life insurance
Day #2 example of why life insurance can cost a little more for men versus women.
Reason #1 why men pay more for life insurance
Statistically men do not live as long as women and they are generally a higher risk to insure for many reasons. Below is an example of one of those reasons .