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Category: life insurance
Great way to start your children or grandchildren on the road to financial success
Day # 10 reason your man has to pay more for life insurance.
Day # 9 reason the male species is paying more for life insurance
Day#8 reason life insurance costs more for men
Day #7 reason life insurance will cost more for men vs. women.
Day #6 reason men pay more than women for life insurance
Day #5 reason guys just have to pay more for life insurance vs. women.
Doing things like this may shorten your life expectancy.
Day # 4 example of why us guys pay more than the gals for life insurance.
Day #3 example of why men pay more for life insurance
Day #2 example of why life insurance can cost a little more for men versus women.
Reason #1 why men pay more for life insurance
Statistically men do not live as long as women and they are generally a higher risk to insure for many reasons. Below is an example of one of those reasons .
Life Insurance through your work place is great, but situations like this come up. If you can hear yourself saying ‘I need to look into that’, the time to do it is now.
Final expense Life Insurance
Final Expense Life Insurance. Are you afraid that you may outlive your current term life insurance or the insurance that you have through your employer? Those are real possibilities. You have to consider then how will your family pay for your funeral. This type of policy may be exactly what you need. There are simplified issue and guaranteed issue products so even if you have more medical problems you can still get a policy to cover your funeral and other final expenses. A popular time to purchase these type of insurance policies is when you are in your 50s or 60s. While you can still get them as you age, obviously they just become more expensive. So the time to look into something like this type of policy is when you are in those age brackets listed above.